Parts Life, Inc. was honored to be selected by AFWERX to participate in the ACE Common Aviation Support Equipment Challenge. The USAF is seeking an innovative suite of aviation maintenance and support equipment to address the needs of Agile Combat Employment (ACE), a scheme of maneuver that shifts operations from centralized, physical infrastructures to a network of smaller, dispersed locations, providing flexibility for friendly forces and complicating circumstances for adversaries. In order to support the flexibility and speed of ACE, aviation support equipment needs to be highly portable, modular in design, and easily maintained.

The USAF’s ability to operate at the edge of a battle area is essential, and Contingency Locations (CLs) - non-enduring locations that sustain operations conducted to protect national interests – are critical to achieving strategic and tactical air superiority. The suite of equipment on a CL flightline must be rapidly deployed to support sortie generation and include aircraft power, conditioned air, refueling, rearming, and diagnostic and recovery tasks.
Out of 300 entries, Parts Life, Inc. was one of 27 companies selected to showcase its innovations in ground support equipment (GSE). With a focus on commonality in GSE and reduced required maintenance and footprint, Parts Life, Inc. quality products and processes directly address mission readiness.
The objective of the challenge is to demonstrate the viability of equipment solutions that streamline and reduce the footprint of maintenance and support equipment necessary to service multiple types of airframes at Contingency Locations. Parts Life, Inc. is confident that its highly mobile, resource-efficient, multi-capable, resilient, and sustainable GSE will ensure the future mission readiness of the USAF in contested and war-front Contingency Locations.
Parts Life, Inc. is a certified AS9100D engineering service provider, manufacturer, and alternate source supplier for DMSMS and obsolete replacement components on military systems and subsystems. Our value-added reverse engineering processes address missing or incomplete technical data needed prior to manufacturing. Services, such as R.O.P.E.® (Rapid Obsolescence Planning and Execution) and 5R® (Reverse Engineering, Remanufacturing, Recertify, Repair, Replicate) deliver manufacturable data with source approval to manufacture replacement parts. In our Prototype Integration Facility, parts and components are manufactured and tested for form, fit, and function to ensure each piece meets and surpasses OEM requirements. Our electronic, electric, and electrical manufacturing capabilities include wiring harnesses and electronic test sets.